ULtrac getting traction – Arcadia accelerated education!

Cadonix’ Arcadia is well known as the tool of choice of leading edge EV and automotive companies, however, a large proportion of the userbase is off-highway and agricultural vehicles.
As spring is now upon us, its the ideal time to showcase one of Cadonix successful sponsorship users, who are really making furrows in tractor design world!
Since 1999, the ULtrac team has been representing Université Laval’s Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the annual “International Quarter Scale Tractor Student Design Competition”.

This competition, which aims to design and build a mini pulling tractor, takes place in June in Peoria, Illinois and is organized by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).

The ULtrac team brings together around fifteen students, mainly in agro-environmental and electrical engineering.
In recent years, the team’s work has been rewarded by the fifth overall position (2019), as well as the first position for design and presentation (2018).

The ULtrac team have been using Arcadia to design, validate and manufacture their electrical harnesses. These are valuable skills to learn while in University as Arcadia Engineers are in high demand in the industry!
The ULtrac facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/ultracteam
The ULtrac website: www.ultrac.fsaa.ulaval.ca
For more specific information on the ULtrac team please email ultrac@asso.ulaval.ca and further information on how Arcadia can accelerate your research program contact info@cadonix.com or sign-up right away on the website and start using Arcadia today!