Cloud based CAD Target Trends in the Wiring Harness Market – Wire Harnessing News

Cloud based CAD Target Trends in the Wiring Harness Market
By: Fergus Kendall, CTO, Cadonix Ltd.
The three irresistible forces of Competition, Globalisation and Regulation are addressed by new cloud-based design-for-manufacture tools.
Recent years have seen major upheavals right across the wire harness industry. A market once dominated by a few large players has perhaps been slow in responding to globalisation and competition. Major players have been stung by massive penalties for breaching rules on price fixing and competition. Poor financial performance of these large manufacturers has been overshadowed by the excellent performance of medium and small manufacturers. Across the board, harness makers need to control costs evermore strictly. At the same time as demanding cost reductions, customers are looking for increasingly complex harnesses to meet the requirements of high-tech automobiles and aircraft. Increased regulation necessitates tighter-than-ever control of quality, especially for aerospace, defence and automotive sectors. Increasing competiveness has made security another key concern.
In the light of these factors, computer-aided design has become an increasingly important factor in improving quality, driving down costs, lowering time-to market and maintaining a competitive edge. Emerging CAD technologies are set to raise the bar even higher: to the cloud, in fact.
For the full story see this months Wiring Harnessing News