Five Trends in Automotive Wire Harness Design for EVs

automotive wire harness design

EV Wire Harness Trends: A Revolution in Design  The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is a major force in automotive wiring innovations.  EVs and hybrids require complex wiring systems to manage high-voltage electric drivetrains, batteries, and advanced electronics. These systems necessitate specialized harnesses that can handle increased voltage and intricate connections for electric propulsion. The […]

Commodity Harnesses for Space Vehicles

To many people from the outside, electrical harness and wiring systems in vehicles, appliances and industrial equipment all look the same – wires, connectors and various fixtures bolted to each other. Those in the industry know better. It is a complicated set of rules and design patterns that have been developed over several decades and […]

Electric Vehicles – The changing face of the automotive industry

The changing face of the automotive industry-Ebook

You can find a publication called “Electric Vehicles” by Charles W Marshall on the internet if you do a search. It describes electric vehicle technologies such as e-motors, drive trains, and batteries. Almost everything you need to know about the operation and production of such vehicles. The year of publication may come as a surprise […]

The second-hand EV market needs to be addressed!

Owing to government legislation putting pressure on diesel internal combustion engines, combustion engines in general and the introduction of ultra-low emission zones, the electric car is starting to become the compelling proposition in many people’s eyes. Media coverage of the latest electric offerings certainly excite the general public and raise the profile of the tantalising […]

The Self Driving Future Will Make Cars More Fun!

Have you recently sat back and imagined what the driving experience will be like in the near future when self-driving becomes commonplace? The introduction of new technologies and unparalleled levels of automation really allow for creative automotive companies to totally change the paradigm of the transport experience! It will be interesting to see Ford Motor Company […]

Time to consider EV – the top ten electric vehicles you can consider buying right now!

While most of us may have experienced a slow-down during the pandemic, the automotive industry did not press the brakes on their technological developments and many manufacturers are making 2021 the year to debut their all-electric offerings. In this article we introduce to you some of the most interesting, and relatively affordable (mostly!), electric vehicles […]

When Your App Argues Back: AI in the Supply Chain

Ubiquitous and often pervasive – AI usage is growing AI won’t be taking over the world’s networks and exterminating humanity via clouds of drone swarms any time soon. But in a matter of a few years, AI will further be a part of our lives and wired into our homes, workplaces, shopping centres, doctor’s office, […]

Engineers Defeat Lockdown as Cadonix enables enterprise engineering from home with their latest run-in-a-browser Arcadia CAD suite

OXFORD, UK – May 13, 2020 – Cadonix Ltd can today announce that their browser CAD suite Arcadia v19 is being rolled out on their cloud platform, bringing a host of new features and improvements to all customers globally. It is clear from current events and the global pandemic that we will never look at […]

Realities of Engineering post COVID-19

It is clear from current events and the global pandemic that we will never look at our position in the world in the same way again. We have all discovered new ways of working and interacting that moving forward we are likely to continue following. In December 2019 it became clear that an unknown viral […]

How to Keep a Robot from Killing You

The real and present danger of robots does not come from rebelling servants who’ve just become versed in their own personhood, but by accidents caused by the robots that we use today. Robotics playing a part in everything, from injuries in the workplace to accidents that have been the result of testing self-driving vehicles, presents […]